Home Decor DIY: A Pretty Lil’ Picture Frame

Fashionlush DIY Quartz Picture Frame

Online shopping isn’t only my no.1 fave past time, but it is also a big source of DIY inspo.

Maybe it’s my creative mindset, but when I look at various products that I lush over w/ seriously steep price-tags, I think to myself- hmm… how can I make that myself for a fraction of the price? Most of the time, it’s pretty simple stupid. Way to simple to even justify buying over DIYing.

I am not going to name any names or throw any one under the bus, but a couple weeks back I stumbled upon an amethyst & quartz picture frame that rocked my world, & then I saw the price tag. Just under $600 dollars. Not kidding. A picture frame… for $600 dollars.

Well… I have a place where I buy raw crystals online for a great price & I have an old picture frame. The next step seemed pretty obvious.

DIY > Buy, unless it’s a hand made product- in which I say, support your local crafter ;)!!

xx, E

Fashionlush DIY Quartz Picture Frame

// Supplies //

++ Raw crystal points found here– they have tons of options so get creative & use your favorite crystal! Put your own twist on it.
++ A picture frame.
++ A hot glue gun, or a strong hold glue.

Fashionlush DIY Quartz Picture Frame

++ Glue your crystals onto your frame. No need to be careful & perfect: stagger or overlap your crystals for a chunky look. Be sure to use plenty of glue as well- you don’t want your crystals falling off! ++

Fashionlush DIY Quartz Picture Frame

++ I love love love it!!! Great addition to my crystal collection. ++

4 Replies to “Home Decor DIY: A Pretty Lil’ Picture Frame”

  1. It looks stunning and IO must confess if I get all the supplies even then I cannot make it look so beautiful. I would love to see more of your creative side.

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