Dear Stress, Let’s Break Up

stress1 Ready for a rant on this lovely Thursday? Alright… let’s do this. If stress were a person, she’d be the older girl in high school who won’t stop making your life a living hell & there is nothing you can do but run into the bathroom, eat your lunch solo in a stall, & cry your eyes out. Stress is a bitch, & I can safely say I truly hate “her”. I honestly want to punch “her” in smack in the face…

I am not trying to play victim here, cause I know that everyone & their mother is stressed out during the holiday season. Which is why I decided to write about it. Not only will it help me get my ducks in a row, but maybe it will help you too?! Without further adieu… here are my current rude/annoying/bitchy stressors, plus how I deal with stress.

+ First & foremost,  I am going to Atlanta for T-Giving. Meaning, I’ve got to get all my presents handled before hand & deal with packing (I am the WORST packer ever).

How I am dealing: my friends & I decided no presents, & when you get older you’d MUCH rather not get presents if it means you don’t have to give ’em. As for packing, lists are my BFF & the iPhone weather app. 

+ A week and a half ago I was told by my landlord the house I live in currently was sold. I knew it was for sale, but the timing couldn’t be worse. Right?!

How I dealt: Immediately got on Craigslist, saw every place I was interested in, & posted on FB (which was actually how I found my dream place).

+ Good news- found an AMAZING place to live (yahoooo!), yet I have to be out of my current place the by the 1st & I will be out of town. I have to get all my stuff out before I leave town the 27th while dealing with packing for my trip, & when I get back I will be coming home to all my stuff literally thrown into my new place. My OCD nature doesn’t cope well with this.

How I am dealing: Last night I tackled my desk, today I will handle my books, tomorrow I will do the bathroom, etc. etc. Also, out with the old & in with the new- I am seriously purging tons of stuff. See below…

+ We are having a huge garage sale the 24th… moving starts the 25th. Two days to get all my stuff (& it’s a lot) to storage/my new place.

How I am dealing: Lists, lists, & more lists. I walked through my entire house and wrote down everything that will be sold/ kept/ given to goodwill. 

+ I have got to get all new furniture & decorate.

How I am dealing: making wish-lists on my fave home decor shopping sites, created a Pinterest board full of design ideas, & am using a room planner app on my iPad. More on my decorating tips to come very very soon…

+ Oh, & that whole work thing. Blog-Doo is killing it, which I am NOT complaining about at all, it’s just something else that needs my full & undivided attention.

How I am dealing: Looking into getting WI-FI on the plane for an extra 5 hours of work time & I hired someone (hallelujah!). The hiring someone part was hard cause I am a control freak, but it already has made me 100x less overwhelmed. 

The important thing is, don’t let the stress overwhelm you- because as you can see above, the cycle of stress is an unproductive & unhealthy one. Take a break to do something you enjoy (for me, I’ve been taking walks on the beach), practice deep breathing, & just trust in the fact it will all get done. K? Oh yea, I also am way into Chinese herbs & flower essences (seen here & here) for helping me harness my chi.

When I have a spare second, I def. plan to share with all of you my semi-holistic life. Stay tuned ;). Any tips on how you manage stress? Please, do share.

xx, E

5 Replies to “Dear Stress, Let’s Break Up”

  1. Lists, list, lists!
    & taking a 3 minute breath, just sitting/laying down with my eyes closed, focussing on my breath and when I’m calmed down, coming back to reality..
    Sometimes I listen to one of my favorite songs, one on which I can dance and sing all the way!
    Good luck with moving etc, i’ve already moved a lot in my life so i know the stress! xx Lyn

    1. I am not a good mover! I hate change :( Lists are def. my bff <3 thanks for the tips though, singing & dancing is always a fun way to get things off your mind! xx

  2. Love. I feel you and Rescue Remedy is a staple in my purse! I just purchased the Rescue Pastilles – Natural Stress Relief in cranberry. The texture is weird, but I can dig it. Does it work? Who knows. Sometimes a good glass of vino helps ;)

    P.S. If you have any cool stuff I’d be happy to check it next week. Email me. Xo.

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