Snack Away Stress + Satisfy Your Tastebuds

fashionlush, stress, health

So I read this analogy the other day… & it was on of those things that kinda just hit home. Here’s the gist…

A psychologist was teaching stress management to some overworked people (where was i?!). She raised a glass of H20, & everyone was waiting for the “half full/half empty question”. Instead she asked, “how heavy is this glass of water?”. 

8oz… maybe 20oz? People guessed.

Her response… the weight doesn’t matter. What matters is how long the glass is held. One minute, no prob. One hour, achy arm. One whole day, boom- arm is numb & paralyzed. The weight doesn’t ever change, but the longer you hold it the more pain-in-the-ass (& arm) it becomes. 

Stress in life at first doesn’t effect you, but the longer you hold onto it– the greater the burden it becomes. Eventually, you will become numb & paralyzed. 

Genius- right? So let’s think of our stresses like a glass of water. Either chug it down & move on, or drop it like it’s hot…

For me, stress is a daily bitch I struggle with, yet I have been actively learning to cope. I am always trying new things, & my latest experiment is mellowing out via my meals. There are tons & tons of foods to help you chill-the-eff-out, & the above are just a few of my faves.

This weekend, I will be heading to the grocery store & whipping up some of the below recipes to help me harness my chi before the week begins all over again. I am thinking I will start with the avo & dark chocolate pudding. I’ve got a reallll weakness for some bomb chocolate pudding!!

Cheers!! xx, E

almonds, raw, vegan, bars

No-Bake, Raw, & Vegan Stress-Busting Bars:: full recipe here.

gluten free, oatmeal, breakfast recipe

Stress-Be-Gone Morning Delight:: full recipe here

smoothie recipe, health, wellness, reduce stress

Chill the Eff Out Kiwi & Strawberry Smoothie:: full recipe here.

avocado dessert, gluten free, reduce stress

Chocolate + Avocado Peaceful Pudding:: full recipe here

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