Let’s Talk Lip Fillers!! Sharing My Experience + a lil’ FAQ

fashionlush, lip fillers, versa fillers, san diego lip fillers


Is this the part where I am supposed to explain away all the reasons I chose to get injectables & then ask you guys nicely not to judge my decisions & blah blah blah? Nah- not doing that. It’s 2020, we’re not still judging people for getting fillers or pretending our forehead full of botox is actually *for headaches*, are we?

I get botox & it’s not for headaches!! It’s to keep my forehead frozen & I am owning that. You can read about my botox story here, love the stuff… but today I am talking all about my LIPS.

I got my lips filled & I am never going back!! Actually- this is my second time getting lip fillers, but I consider it my first cause the *actual* first time literally only lasted for ONE month. I called the doctor who did it & was told that I must metabolize filters quickly, so from there I just figured I’d throw in the towel when it came to fillers.

When I met Mandi Stewart from Alcheme, I decided to give it another go & I AM SO GLAD! First of all, she’s amazing & if you’re in San Diego you gotta see Mandi. Secondly, lip fillers are just a total game changer for me.

I’m lucky cause I do have semi-full lips, but they just needed an oomph & no amount of over-lining my lips with Charlotte Tilbury’ pillow talk liner was getting me where I wanted to be. SO, let’s go over some of the MOST asked questions I get about my lips. READY?


Does it hurt?

um- yea, it hurts… but you know what they say, beauty is pain. I have a very high pain tolerance so honestly, the pinch doesn’t bother me MUCH, but I definitely feel it. I’d give it a 6 out of 10 on the pain scale. That said, it’s quick, they numb you, & if they have cold air- ASK THEM TO BLOW IT AS THEY INJECT. It helps so so so much.

What did you ask for?

Okay, so what I asked for was pillow lips that looked natural. I didn’t ask to look like Kylie Jenner cause that is just over the top in my opinion. I brought in inspiration photos of lips I liked & then I let Mandi make the call on what I needed *next question*.

What EXACTY did you get done?

Alright, so I messaged Mandi to fill us in on EXACTLY what she did.

She used a filler called Versa which is a beautiful filler that is composed of hyaluronic acid. She did 1 syringe total. As mentioned, I had fuller lips to start so we just needed one syringe, thinner lips may need two or more (& for reference, one full syringe is equal to 1/5th of a TEASPOON!).

Mandi also did what is called “a lip flip” on me. This is done by using a neuromodulator (aka botox) in the circular muscle of the lips. This relaxes that inward pull you get when smiling & when that muscle is relax, the lip flips out. This gives the appearance of fuller lips without actually adding volume (aka more filler).

How long does it last?

All fillers are different, but the filler we used lasts 6-8 months with a touch up at 3-4 months.

How Much Does it Cost?

This number totally depends on where you go & who is doing your lip filler. Honestly, this is not something I’d personally try to save on- you want the best of the best when it comes to your lip. A general range is around $500-$700.

What do they feel like?

Now- nothing. You get used to it. The first few weeks after you get your lip filler you will probably notice it. Initially I could feel the filler in my lips, but it never bothered me!

OKAY- THAT’S IT. ANYMORE QUESTIONS? LMK. I am an open book & I love my lips so so so SO much! 

fashionlush, lip fillers, versa fillers, san diego lip fillers

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