One Year of Howard Idaho

LET’S TAKE A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE, SHALL WE… (trust me, this is a great story).

A year ago *YESTERDAY* I got into bed & Zack was already sleeping… I said to him “don’t go to work tomorrow. Take the day off to hang out with me.” He was SOUND asleep, grunted and rolled over. I went to bed & when I woke up, he was in the office working. He fully heard me & I was so excited to have a day of playing hookey.

It was the rainiest week ever, so we decided to go hang out at a coffee shop for a little, grab some lunch, get a cute Instagram, whatever.

On our way home, I had my head in my phone answering emails. Zack was driving & all the sudden he slams on the breaks and yells “OH SHIT”. I jolt up & look at him, like WTF you almost killed me (the drama!) & he is just looking in front of the car, I turn to look & there it was. Right in front of our car in the middle of a busy intersection.

A scared, scraggly, shaking dog.

♡ the day found Howard, scraggly guy :(  ♡

♡ the day we got to pick our boy up & take him home  ♡

I got out of the car & in an instant he was running towards me. His whole body was shivering as he literally fell into my lap. I was scared cause I didn’t know this dog & honestly- slightly grossed out if we’re being honest… but he needed me & it showed. We had Ruby in the car with us & we debated on what to do cause she doesn’t love new dogs in her space, but we decided to give it a go & the whole car ride to the vet Ruby just looked at him. No growling, no freaking out, she was empathetic.

& that whole car ride, this scraggly dog just stared at me with fear in his eyes. It was heartbreaking & by the time we arrived at the vet, I knew he was mine.

AND AS A SIDEBAR- it had been about 6 months since my sweet Bitzy passed away & a week prior a friend asked me if I will ever get another dog. My answer was, “only if it falls in my lap”. This dog, quite literally, fell in my lap. 

He spent a week at the Human Society trying to locate any owners & when his stray hold was up- I got the call he was ready for us. This day ended up being the same day we got engaged (you can read about that story here) & a day we will never forget.  We named him Howard Idaho after the cross streets we found him at, which is the perfect name for our little dude.

♡ loves his mom  ♡


We don’t know if Howard ever had a home, but we think whatever situation he came from wasn’t a good one. He didn’t even know how to sit on furniture when we brought him home & it took us a good month to get him comfortable on the couch. MY OH MY HOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED.

Howard it the most loving dog I have ever had. He hugs like a human child & is happiest when being held. He is the BIGGEST couch potato you’ve ever met & bedtime is his favorite time of day.

HE LOVES HIS CRUNCHIES (aka treats) & he loves to show off how well he sits & stays.

When we first brought him home, he was a total runner which got scary a couple of times. Just yesterday he got outside, stopped at the end our drive way, & turned around to come back in. He is the bestest boi in the world.

He really really really really love his mom & is always glued to my side, usually with a paw resting on my body somewhere. He loves his Dad a lot too, but really- such a mama’s boy.

He absolutely ADORES his sister, Ruby Tuesday, & lays on her any chance he can get. He LOVES snuggling with her, which is new for Ruby, but she’s getting used to him laying his big old head on her tummy.

He still doesn’t know how to play & we don’t push it. Toys scare him cause he’s just a little nervous guy. There is one bunny he loves, but just likes to snuggle with it.

OH YAH- he is 100% mini schnauzer (we did a dna test lol) & we found 50 siblings in the registry & the vet said he was between 4 & 6, so we called it 4 and today is his “5th birthday”.

To wrap this up, cause we have big birthday plans for Howard I need to get ready for- he is absolutely perfect, the love of our lives, came to us at the PERFECT time, & is just the most sweet/loving/wonderful boi. It was fate that he ended up in our lives & we just can’t get enough of the guy.

SO- IF ANYTHING, I HOPE THIS POST & HOWARD IDAHO ENCOURAGES ANYONE/SOMEONE IN THE DIRECTION OF ADOPTION. It has been the most rewarding thing we’ve done & if you’re not in the place to adopt- here are a few of our fave charities we donate to in the name of Howard!

+ Animal Hope & Rescue: an amazing rescue that helps get dogs out of the Chinese dog trade.

+ Road Dogs: a bulldog rescue that helps save various bulldogs that are either born with serious medical conditions or dogs who have been mistreated.

+ The Humane Society: Howard’s home for the week while we waited for him! A truly great rescue that cares so much about their animals.

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