Essential Oils for Anxiety ft. EO Expert, Cassie Dulworth

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So- I get a ton of questions about anxiety & especially in regard to essential oils. I have dabbled it essential oils for anxiety in the past, but I am NO EXPERT. Since the questions kept coming, & I didn’t have all the answers- I wanted to bring in an essential oil expert.

Today, Cassie Dulworth, is going to be dropping some essential oil knowledge in regards to anxiety struggles. Cassie is the BEST! She is so talented in so many ways, a new mom to a *gorgeous* baby girl, & when I found out she was a WEALTH OF KNOWLEDGE when it came to essential oils, I had to have her on the blog.

I am a FIRM believer in the power of essential oils- it works for me over & over again, it works on my dogs, & it works on pretty much everyone I know. I will let Cassie take it from here… & if you need a good essential oil diffuser to get started on your eo journey- this one is my absolute fave!

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Confession: I can’t get enough of essential oils. I’ve always been a little bit of a hippie, so it’s not really surprising.

I started using them during my pregnancy when I was dealing with all of the not so fun pregnancy symptoms. And when they gave me instant relief from things like nausea, muscle pain and heartburn, I was hooked.

My love grew and my collection grew and now I use oils for literally everything. Even my husband uses them, which is proof that they work, because at first he called them “voodoo oils” haha.

Plus, I’m more than happy to spend my money on non-toxic, plant based oils and I don’t have to worry about my family being poisoned by weird chemicals. Yuck.

I love sharing about how essential oils can help make your everyday life a little better. One of the main complaints that I hear from friends & family (& people in general) is that they’re dealing with anxiety or overwhelm or stress. Let’s be honest – our culture kind of promotes it!

fashionlush, mental health, essential oils for anxiety

There are so many essential oils that can help with anxiety though. I use different ones every day depending on my mood and what I’m feeling, and because I like to have options.

And in combo with things like meditation, exercise, self-care, a glass of wine and anything else you do for anti-anxiety, essential oils are an amazing tool to add to your list.

There are lots to choose from and I’ve narrowed it down, but I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed so I’ve broken my recommendations into 4 categories:

Essential Oils for Anxiety

1. “When you can’t sleep” anxiety:

+ Lavender:  The swiss army knife of oils – it’s literally good for everything, anxiety included! It’s known to help sleep, relax your mind and ease anxious thoughts.

+ Serenity Blend (restful): This is a super soothing blend of a lot of the oils in this list: lavender, cedarwood, vetiver & more. All of the oils work together to lessen feelings of tension and calm your mind.

+ Cedarwood: Another must-have for anxiety. Cedarwood is really calming and warm, and can be very soothing for a lot of people.

2. “Feeling overwhelmed” anxiety:

+ Balance Blend (grounding): The grounding blend is my #1 favorite oil. It smells amazing and has ingredients like ho wood, spruce, frankincense & blue tansy to help ground your emotions & promote tranquility.

+ Clary Sage: This one is great for women especially – it calms nerves and acts as a mild sedative, especially if you’re feeling super overwhelmed.

+ Vetiver: Vetiver is a really rich, grounding scent. It’s one of my favorites for overwhelm because of that. And it’s a great oil to rub on before bed or whenever you’re feeling like there’s too much going on.

+ Peace Blend (reassuring): Love this blend – it has lavender, vetiver, ho wood & a ton of other oils that are known for relaxation and calming anxious feelings. Plus it’s pre-blended so you only need this one bottle!

3. “When your mind is racing million miles an hour” anxiety:

+ Magnolia Touch: This oil has an even higher amount of linalool, the relaxing chemical, than lavender (75% vs. 30%).

+ Copaiba: This is the magical unicorn of oils. It works the same as CBD in your brain, but is SO much more concentrated, and therefore more effective. Plus you don’t get any of the side effects that some people dislike.

4. “Feeling down, tired or sad” anxiety:

+ Cypress: A really fresh and invigorating oil, this one is also great for uplifting your mood. It also works really well when blended with the citrus oils.

+ Citrus Bliss: A blend of the top citrus oils + vanilla bean. It smells fresh and heavenly and the citrus is an instant mood booster.

+ Lemon or Wild Orange: Again, any citrus oil can brighten your mood when your anxiety is making you feel sad or down.
fashionlush, mental health, essential oils for anxiety
My biggest tip is to be consistent! Essential oils won’t work if you use them once and forget about it. Turn on the diffuser every day. Make a few rollerballs and keep them next to you, in your purse, on your nightstand. Use it all day long, whenever you’re feeling anxious.

And if you don’t feel a difference, try a different oil! Find one (or a few) that work for you, below are some great blends for you to try!

Game Changing Essential Oil Blends for Anxiety

+ Cypress + Wild Orange + Frankincense

+ Balance + Frankincense

+ Lavender + Cedarwood + Balance

+ Copaiba + Vetiver + Clary Sage

+ Balance + Wild Orange


and reach out with any questions or if you want to chat more in depth:

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