Get Your Juice On: Green Go-Go Drink


The smell of Red Bull, or all energy drinks for that matter, make me want to vom. Even if I am at a bar and the person next to me is drinking a Red Bull Vodka, I can smell it, and then I gag. Keep that disgusting shit far far far away from me.

I used to juice EVERY SINGLE DAY, but I have been bad and have been neglecting my poor juicer. I recently did a 3 day juice cleanse, and it reminded me how much energy my juices gave me. I had to get back in the game… stat.

I don’t do coffee cause I don’t want yellow teeth and I don’t like the taste, I obviously hate any & all artificial energy drinks, and although I do love tea- I am just not always in the mood for a hot bev. So… when I felt a crash coming on yesterday afternoon, I grabbed all the fruits and veggies I had on hand, wiped the dust off of my trusty juicer, and got straight to juicing.

This green juice is a FAVORITE of mine as it is jam packed with so many vitamins and nutrients, it makes me bounce off the walls, and it tastes DELICIOUS. Don’t be intimidated by the green, this stuff is 10x more enjoyable than a gross Monster energy drink. I swear.


delicious green juice recipe


2 Replies to “Get Your Juice On: Green Go-Go Drink”

  1. how long can you keep this juice before it goes bad? I have to get up at 3am some days for work and would LOVE an alternative to energy drinks but I would not spend the time making these (and the clean up involved) at that time of the morning. If I made them the night before would they still be fine the next morning?
    what about freezing them? that way I could make a large batch and have ready to go when I’m too busy to make them

    1. Hey girl! Thanks for checking out the blog. I totally know what you mean about not having time in the mornings to juice and clean it all up. Here is the deal with storing fresh juice to drink later… you can totally do it but you have to know that the benefits of fresh juice will begin to dissipate mere minutes after it’s made. That doesn’t mean you will lose ALL the benefits, but you will lose some.

      If your going to store your juice you need to consider what type of produce you are using as well. Citrus juices last longer, while juices with apple will oxidize quicker. Since you are in a time crunch and don’t have an option, you should only store it for at most 8 hours.

      As far as how to store it, use glass jars (i.e. mason jars). Air is your main problem when it comes to storing juice as air will cause the juice to lose its benefits and vitamins quicker. Pre-freeze your glasses before you juice so that they are nice and cold when you are ready to store your juice and when you pour in your juice fill it to the VERY top (so there is less air). You can add purified water if you don’t have enough juice to fill it to the top.

      Some more tips: juice one extra lemon into your juice as the citric acid will help preserve the juice, before you juice make sure your produce is COLD, and use organic produce.

      When it comes to freezing it, I wouldn’t do it- the freezer will make the benefits dissipate quicker than the fridge.

      Hope that helps :)

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