Honest Thoughts on the Ice Cream Man Who Hates Influencers…

*wearing: Akira tie-dye mini dress + Akira pink heels*

It was brought to my attention last week that a man who sells ice cream posted on Instagram that was something along the lines of “influencers pay double” & included a lovely hashtag #InfluencersAreGross. It (for some reason) went viral & ended up being shared on various pretty big name media outlets.


I actually have a lot to say on this subject & not just in regards the ice cream man who hates influencers (although, trust me, this is the bulk of this particular case study), but this stigma people place on influencers in general. I am just SO bored with people talking shit on influencers & although I 1000% here to rally for influencers everywhere, they aren’t NOT too blame for this stigma either. We will get to that too…

This whole thing just really got me heated & although I was tempted to tell him my thoughts in the comment of his photo, I figured this was a better outlet for me to get out my frustrations & put in my two cents. After this is out, I am done with this topic. I JUST NEED TO GET IT OFF MY CHEST…. let’s go.

1. the ice cream making influencer hater

I am not planning to mention his name I really don’t recommend giving this too much energy, but if you’re dying to know more- just hit up Google “ice cream influencers” & you’ll find all the silly details.

At first, I didn’t think much of it, another business owner hating on influencers… GROUNDBREAKING. No new news there. Every now & then you get the bitter business owner who just absolutely is repulsed by influencers. Sounds like a personal problem to me.

…BUT, when I saw the “#InfluencersAreGross” hashtag on his post, I got pissed off. You know what I find gross? A grown man hating on influencers & charging customers a different price simply because they are an influencer! BUT DON’T FRET, he later he cleared it up he only was referring to influencers who “ask for a free cone” have to pay double!


What the fuck influencer is walking up to the ice cream man asking for a free $4 ice cream cone?! 

I don’t buy it, which makes this whole thing even more…. gross. I think maybe, MAYBE, he had an influencer slide into the DM’s once or twice asking for a cone in exchange for a post or a d list celeb who just didn’t have cash on them- but I just can’t influencers lining up by the dozens begging like Oliver Twist (actually got this reference from a meme on his account to drive home how much he hates influencers) for a free cone of regular old ice cream.

First of all, it’s $4.

Second of all, the truck is brown. NOT HATING ON THIS TRUCK AT ALL & people do seem to enjoy his ice cream (go you dude!!), but influencers typically don’t go seeking out a brown truck begging for ice cream trade. If the truck was pink, cute, & fun to take pictures with- MAYBE??? But still, it’s a no for me, if the truck was pink I’d definitely go there BUY A $4 ice cream, get my pic, tag location, & move on with my day.

Third of all, it’s not fancy ice cream. I am sure it’s great ice cream, all ice cream rules, but it’s not like an unbelievable rhinestone cone dipped in gold that I am just dying for it to grace my feed.

I AM FULLY CALLING HIS BLUFF. Here is my personal theory about good old BITTER BEN, the ice cream man: 

He has gone viral before & clearly was aiming to do it again. He got that taste of attention & decided to just litter is feed with influencer hate posts to hopefully grow his feed & get more attention. He has REPOSTED every single mention he has gotten on every single publication to his feed, captioning how much he is loving his 15 minutes.

I DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU GUYS, but he is sounding a whole lot like a *drumroll plz* INFLUENCER who just went viral & is eating it up by the fucking cone-ful.

2. media outlets actually found this compelling….

NOW THIS- I am shocked that media outlets picked up this nonsense. There are literal concentration camps happening at the border, a devastating revolution is happening in Sudan, California just had the biggest earthquake in 20 years & these outlets are choosing to give the ice cream man viral attention for being. Not saying they haven’t covered those topics, but I just mean- WHY WAS THIS INTERESTING NEWS?

When these media outlets shared this, not only do I find it discrediting to them, but it appears to me that the WAY these media outlets are sharing it is coming off that they are applauding this man & I don’t believe hatefulness to any subculture should get positive media attention.

3. influencers role in the equation

when I posted this on Instagram I got a DM that said “so you think he is wrong for wanting to be paid real money?!”.


I 100% think he should be paid real money & I do think influencers actions have played a role in this stigma. There is a responsibility as an influencers to know your boundaries & to know when is the right time to approach a brand with a deal, & when it is just not polite.

Respect small businesses my fellow influencers!!!

I personally would never ask a small business for trade. I would support them happily. There is a responsibility of an influencer to know what would actually be beneficial for a brand. If you aren’t looking at it like that, you aren’t taking it seriously as a business. It’s not all about free stuff & although trade deals an be EXTREMELY beneficial for a brand & I think a lot of brands should be jumping all over a trade deal, it’s kind of entitled to just always expect free things.

For a small business, like the local ice cream truck, first of all- pay the $4 & give that ice cream man a shoutout just cause you like his ice cream. Second of all, what is the benefit of an ice cream man giving you a free ice cream on his end? Sure, maybe a few local followers will go there because you posted about it- but in most cases your audience isn’t all going to be in your hometown. A like on your picture from a follower in North Dakota isn’t gonna help pay that small business owners rent/mortgage/etc.

& THAT IS ALL I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT ALL OF THIS. I know this kinda got ranty, but I feel 1000x better. Key takeaways: if you’re a business owner, stop hating on influencers. If you are an influencer, be responsible & know your manners.

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