Join the Fashionlush Chatroom

The Fashionlush Chat Room is open for some real talk!!!!

We are calling it a chat room, cause you know I love a 2000’s moment, but to be clear- we are talking about The Fashionlush *SeCrEt* Facebook group.

I actually started this group a while back & TBH- I dropped the ball. LET ME EXPLAIN. First of all, I am not a big Facebook user. I started this group because someone said I should, but I didn’t understand how it worked & definitely didn’t give it the attention it deserved.

… but I have always had this vision to create a chat room vibe for my audience & while I tried to code that on my site, it wasn’t doable (chat rooms are just too vintage, I guess)- SO, I rebranded the Facebook group & now it’s our very own top secret chat room.

If there is one thing I’ve noticed through Instagram, it’s that I have such a RAD, like-minded, audience. One of the best parts of what I do is all the amazing people I have met, and as I am talking to all these people, I am thinking “these people NEED to know each other!!!”. Everyone is so similar, so cool, and we all struggle with a lot of the same SHIT!

So the Fashionlush Chat Room has been re-born & I want you in it!! I want this to be a safe space where we can talk about… everything. Anxiety, what’s going on in our world (cause shit is cray!!!), cannabis, relationship drama, & anything else. We can get heavy, we can keep it light & fluffy, we can talk about whatever you want… i just have one rule.

BE KIND! That’s it. Let’s make some friends, have some fun, and get to chatting! See ya there ;) 


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