The Weekly Squeeze: Chill The Eff Out Juice


I am one of those people that writes EVERYTHING down. OCD would be an understatement when it comes to me. To-do lists are flooding my phone & my google calendars are maxed out with conference calls/ appointments/ meetings. I am seriously on the verge of putting “eat” in my calendar, just so I don’t forget, which actually happens more often than not. Not good.

All that list making and note taking makes me extremely stressed & anxious. No joke, I check my to-do list & calendars multiple times in day. Even if I know nothings changed, I still check just to make sure I am not missing or forgetting anything. It’s overwhelming, to say the least.

In honor of my over-stressed & over-worked self, I decided to juice up a bevvy to help me chill the eff out and harness my lost chi. Not only was it a tasty treat, but it actually allowed me to kick back and relax for a little. It was a nice little break for my brain, my body, and my sanity.


Why Does This Juice Help With Unwanted Stress? 

– It has been said that the smell of apples helps to alleviate headaches, and we all know that stress causes major migraines. Give that green apple goodness a good sniff.

+ When you are anxious/panicky/stressed, chances are your bod’s pH balance is off. Cucumbers help to level that out.

+ Linalool, which is derived from citrus fruits (i.e. lemons) is a super popular substance used in aromatherapy. We all know aromatherapy is all about mellowing you out, right? So, while you are downing your drink, be sure to breathe in the lemony scent through your nose.

+ Coconut contains tons of minerals as well as various B vitamins (i.e. thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, b6, & folate). B vitamins have been said to help lower anxiety, depression, and of course- stress.

+ Did you know that an unbalanced liver can be a huge cause of stress & anxiety? I didn’t. Beets are a great root veggie that actually helps to detox your liver.

+ Last, but not least, my secret ingredient- flower essences. These little potions can cater to a variety of different emotional issues, and they work wonders!! Add 10 drops of each flower essence to your juice, shake, chug. If you don’t have time to make this juice, but still need some stress relief, you can also add these to a cup of water. My fave essences: Mustard, Red Chestnut, White Chestnut


— E

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